Hi, I’m Dee.

I’m a nonbinary human who uses they/them pronouns. I live on the Ancestral Homelands of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco Peninsula. I currently work full-time as a Visual Merchandiser in the Outdoor Industry. I’m slowly building up my coaching practice on the side because I whole-heartedly believe that working with a coach can change your life. I know because it changed mine.

It’s worth it.

Whatever weird or hard thing you feel called to do, I’m here to tell you to do it. In 2019, I set out to renovate a dilapidated tool shed in the backyard of a punk house in Oakland so I could achieve my longtime dream of financial freedom. I spent $5,000 on the shed, paid off $30,000 in debt, and opened up a world of options I never thought possible. During that journey I worked with Allie Stark, a badass coach and mentor. When I started realizing I had more tools than I needed, she encouraged me to attend Co-Active Training Institute and become a coach myself. Unfortunately I got kicked out of the shed in 2021, but I’m currently saving up to build my own tiny house (on wheels this time).



I strongly identify as a Highly Sensitive Person, meaning I am extremely affected by my senses and environment.


When it comes to my Myers-Briggs personality, the I/E and J/P are on the cusp, but I am SUPER intuitive (N) and feeling (F).


Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon, and Leo Rising. The older I get, the more grounded I feel, but I’ll always have that Sag wanderlust!


My Enneagram placement is indisputably Type One. I have a Two-Wing AKA “The Advocate.”


I love Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies book/quiz, and am firmly rooted in the “Questioner” tendency.


NGL I’m not a HUGE Harry Potter fan, but apparently your Hogwart’s House is important information for those that are.

Now that you know a little more about me…

What’s new at Stoked?

Get in touch!


Deanna Michaelson
P.O. Box 22666
San Francisco, CA 94122